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Builders Expect an Increase in Affordable Housing Starts
Developers are excited about the potential for SB196—a new affordable housing bill passed by the state that exempts land trusts from paying property taxes on affordable housing projects. The new bill is expected to drive affordable housing development throughout [...]
How to Prevent Cost Overruns in Multifamily Construction
During the past few years, material and skilled labor costs have been on the rise, causing increased distress for multifamily developers. If we add trade tensions to the equation, it is understandable why bringing a project to fruition is [...]
5 Ways to Curb Costs
Developers are challenged to contain high construction and labor costs. To help, we asked two construction executives experienced in affordable housing to share five tips that can help you keep costs under control and make the building process a [...]
Best Merging of Past and Future in a Historic Property
Upon reviewing countless adaptive reuse projects throughout the country for’s ADAPT awards, we have declared Evanston Court in Pasadena, CA, the winner for the best merging of past and future in a historic property. We will be honoring [...]
Pasadena’s Evanston Court Historical Preservation Project Wins National Award
Real estate news publisher GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum has selected the Evanston Court project in Pasadena as among the recipients of their Adapt Opportunity Zones Awards 2019, to be given at the Adapt: Opportunity Zones conference on September 16 and [...]
Best Practices: How To Keep A Lid On Construction Costs
Want to get a jump-start on upcoming deals? Meet the major players at one of our upcoming national events! Construction cost hikes have been buffeting the commercial real estate industry especially vigorously since the last recession. In 2018 alone, [...]